35mm Film Processing
The easiest way to submit film to us is by using one of our convenient, postage-paid film mailers. Our mailers give you a convenient order form, listing our standard processing services, prices and delivery options.

To request a supply of mailers and our complete price list, please click here or call our Customer Service Department at (800) 327-1776.
If you don't have a mailer and want to order processing now, please click the one of the links below for the appropriate order form…complete with instructions…that you'll be able to print out from your computer:
Standard Film Processing and Enlarging Services
35mm Film Processing Order Form For Color Print and Slide Films
Advanced Photo System Order Form
Reprints, Enlargements and Giclée Prints From Film
35mm B&W Digital Proofing
Professional Processing and Enlarging Services
120/220 Proofing Order Form
120/220 & 35mm…With Special Enlarging Prices For Wedding & Candid Photography
Print out the form on your computer and send your 120 or 220 film to us in either a film mailer (between cardboards) or in any secure box.
Prints and Enlarging Services From Digital Cameras & Digital Images
Ordering Online at iprints.com:
Ordering online at www.iprints.com is the quickest way to get top-quality prints and enlargements.
If you don't have a high-speed connection…or if there are restrictions on the size files you can send through your Internet Service Provider …you may want to select and download our Print Wizard. The Wizard will automatically downsize your files to just the size you need for quality prints. Using the Print Wizard will allow you to upload images faster and let you include more images in your order before exceeding the maximum size allowed by your ISP. Please click here for a link to download our Print Wizard or for our Standard Picture uploader
Burning Images to CD-Rs and Mailing in the CDs:
It is sometimes more convenient to burn your images onto a CD-R and mail the CD to us for prints. For example, if you have very big images or a large number of files you could find that transferring the images online might be difficult due to restrictions imposed by your Internet Service Provider (some ISPs restrict you to just 5 or 10 megabyte maximum uploads).
If you're submitting CDs, it will be best if you place digital images for similar sized prints in separate folders. This will help you organize your order in a way that our technicians can follow when they make your prints and enlargements.
Please click here for complete instructions and a self-calculating form that will assist you in submitting your order.
CDs can be mailed to Dale Laboratories in our postage-paid mailers. Please protect your CDs by packing them between cardboards.
To Mail In Orders:
1. Use one of our film mailers. You can safely send up to six rolls of film or several CD-Rs in each mailer. Click here to receive a supply of mailers. Or…
2. Send your film in to our laboratory via FedEx, DHL or UPS.
If You Live Outside the United States...
Film Processing –
We can process your film ... and give you our outstanding quality and special services ... no matter where you live. International air mail service is quick and reliable. Credit cards have eliminated virtually all financial barriers and exchange rate problems. Shipping is just $10 per roll over our regular U.S. price and ... with our low cost replacement film ... you may actually save money by not having to buy imported film in your home country. (Canadians pay just $4 more)
Prints and Enlargements From Digital Cameras –
By ordering online at www.iprints.com you have no barrier to getting professional-quality prints and enlargements from your digital camera. We'll ship your completed enlargement orders to you the day after you place your online order (Monday - Friday). Simply pay the additional $10 per order cost to cover postage (which will be computed by our iprints.com site) and you'll be receiving the best digital prints and enlargements America has to offer!